Creative Alternatives to the Corporate Holiday Card

By Wayne Brown

December is a tough month for me, not just because of the holidays, but for the additional 8 people in my immediate family who celebrate their birthdays. A couple of years ago, I came to the realization that greeting cards aren’t cheap, and while they have great graphics, the clever greetings just didn’t come from my heart.  So, being in the marketing/advertising industry, and fully capable of illustrating, designing, and copywriting, I felt I could do a better job of creating cards that would emotionally connect with the people I care about. It does take a lot of effort to customize a creative card, but now my family won’t accept anything less.

I think businesses can do better, too. The generic, snail-mailed, corporate holiday card gets thrown out after a week, and depending on your industry, the average opening rate for an eblast is only 22%. With just a few days before the big holidays arrive, here are a few ideas to add new twists into your holiday greetings.

  • First, whatever you do, make sure you tie in your product or service.
  • Next, get personal. Humor works, as does thanking your customers.
  • Give a gift or informative tip. This doesn’t have to break the bank. Let’s say you own a bakery; include a discount or a recipe. Or, if you own a fitness center, include a tip to work off those holiday pounds!
  • Make a card like I do. This does take some time, and make sure you include some or all of the above.
  • Make a video. This is my personal favorite for businesses. You can create a custom video with help from a template using online services, such as Videos are great because you can share by mailing (DVD or flash drive), emailing, and posting on social media. The good thing about creating a video is that you don’t need any special equipment. A simple smartphone will do. Keep it short. 60% of viewers will stop watching after 2 minutes. Here’s an opportunity to get creative or act silly. For example, your take on The Harlem Shake can get your fans in a festive mood. However, the big internet craze right now is the Mannequin Challenge (#MannequinChallenge). If you’re planning a holiday party soon, this would be a great time to test your “freeze” skills. Another of my favorites is having members of the staff each sing a line of a famous holiday song. Insert the raw footage into a program like Windows Movie Maker, and “Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!”

Happy Holidays to all!

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