By Wayne Brown
I can’t speak for other industries, but when dealing with marketing professionals, you need to understand that nearly every term and concept is referred by an acronym. While marketing professionals might know many of these linguistic shortcuts, keep in mind that their clients might not. A marketing professional (we’ll start by calling them “MPs”) might come across as either highly intelligent or very annoying.
I don’t know, maybe it’s me. Anyway, I don’t sell my company’s services B2C, I sell them B2B. We get together, talk about their websites and their BRs, because if you have a high BR, it might mean your lists are out of date. However, not all BRs are bad, maybe some emails are just misspelled.
Now suppose you do have a good list and a pretty good advertising campaign. Add up all your advertising expenses, overhead, etc., and then divide by the number of new customers in that time period and you’ll find out your CAC. Hopefully that number is acceptable to theCMO, if there is one. If not, your company might be using a consultant.
Nowadays, many companies are relying on a CMS to build their websites. Now, a CMO or marketing staff associate can edit and manage their own websites! Put together some great-looking pages and you can coordinate your SEM with SEO to produce a higher ranking in the search engine results pages to enhance your PPC. Keep in mind, none of your advertising will work without a strongCTA. When all is said and done, take a look at your GA to analyze your CTR. You might want to diversify your marketing with a DMbecause print isn’t dead, yet. A combination of print and digital might be your best bet for creating awareness about your company. Don’t forget social media! At the very least, if you’re not engaging people on FB, you don’t exist. You need to find out what platforms your customers and prospects are using, otherwise your #FF tweets might be a waste of time. For all the time and effort many companies spend on CMS, they might be better off learning HTML and not having to worry about all the plug-ins.
A good marketing consultant knows how to analyze data, too. Comparing last year’s numbers with this year’s MTD and YTD will help you plan your campaigns going forward. Then you’ll know if all those PVs and PPCs were worth the ROI. Keep in mind that more than 60% of users view information on their smartphones, so if you are using print, you might want to add a QR code. QR codes that link to coupons, special offers, contest forms, social media sites, and directions and maps are examples of campaigns that provide value and benefits to the consumer. It helps to have a CTA next to your QRcode that prompts the users to scan.
Marketing consultants sure do know a lot, and if they’re going to work with SMBs, it helps to have a good SLA in place, so that both the consultants and the sales and marketing teams can define their expectations. How do consultants and corporate marketing departments find each other anyway? Well, WOM is typical and inexpensive, but it does take a lot of work for that to happen. One way you can promote yourself is to have an RSS feed on your website, so people can subscribe to any new content, such as a blog post, that’s added to your site.
Generally speaking, people have short attention spans when it comes to successful advertising. Can you imagine if I had to spell everything out in this article? Hopefully you didn’t find this as a bunch of BS.